I Am Now a Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist
“Coaching and cueing proper movement is the key to successful strength & conditioning.”
– Dr. Chad Waterbury⠀
I’m honored to now be a Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist, CES after completing the ISSA’s Corrective Exercise Specialist Course written by Dr. Chad Waterbury. 🤘😎⠀
Prior to completing this course I’ve been studying the works of Dr. Waterbury for years. ⠀
He is a very knowledgeable trainer and #1 ranked Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) and neurophysiologist. Dr. Waterbury was also the director of strength and conditioning at the Rickson Gracie International Jiu Jitsu Center in LA.
Therefore, he’s trained a wide range of athletes and martial artists over the years. 🏋️🥋🥊🏄♂️
As someone who has experienced several injuries due to intense martial arts and fitness training, muscular imbalances, a motorcycle accident, and the detrimental effects of prolonged sitting at a computer 💻, I can personally confirm the benefits of working with a certified corrective exercise specialist. ⠀⠀
I’ve tremendously benefited and experienced the impact that corrective exercise can have on your physical fitness, mobility and rehabilitation from injury.
Although at 43, I still have some physical limitation due to my previous injuries and accident, I am still pretty fit and physically active; training with kettlebells, Tai Chi, martial arts, hiking, and more.
I just have to be cautious with overexerting my shoulders on upper body exercises. ⠀
With the corrective exercise wisdom I’ve gained from this course I hope to continue to improve and rehab my body to within 95% of my Ultimate Potential (God willing). 🤞😉

I Am Now a Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist, CES
Additionally, I hope to help you and anyone suffering from unnecessary pain to regain their strength and mobility utilizing corrective exercise, kettlebells and martial arts from a rehabilitative perspective and beyond.⠀
I truly believe without this wealth of knowledge I wouldn’t even be strength training and doing martial arts any longer. ⠀
That said, I am extremely grateful to guys like Dr. Chad Waterbury, Dr. Stuart McGill, Dr. Mark Cheng, Eric Cressey, Mike Robertson and others for their contributions in this area of expertise.
Unleash Your Ultimate Potential,
Brandon I. Cook
• Founder of Awakened Warriors Training, AWT
• Mindful Martial Artist, MMA
• Hardstyle Kettlebell Certification, HKC
• Corrective Exercise Specialist, CES
• Certified Nutritionist, Pn1
• Wealth Management Firm, 17 years
Visit AwakenedWarriorsTraining.com and Sign Up for our 21 Day Awakened Warriors Challenge! 💪😎
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