Give Yourself Permission to Live Life Full Out!
“Don’t look to society to give you permission to be yourself.”
– Dr. Steve Maraboli
Most of us are waiting for someone to give us permission to live our lives.
We’re waiting for someone to tell us it’s okay to be ourselves.
We’re waiting for our internal “mommy” and “daddy” to give us their metaphoric nod of approval.
Whether it’s our figurative or literal parents or any of the other prominent men and women in our lives….
So many of us are waiting for their acceptance, their agreement, and their RED Rubber Stamp of Approval in life.
If you want to achieve greatness, you need to stop asking for permission and give it to yourself. You don’t need their validation!
“Why are we waiting for the world to give us permission to be, do and have anything? It’s not the world that can give you what you want… the external world is but a mere reflection of your own innermost reality.”
What I mean is that any objective reality “out there” is skewed by your perception of that reality in your own mind- through your own perceptual filters. You’re not seeing the world as it is… rather you’re seeing the world as you believe it to be!
Your life circumstances are simply a mirrored reflection of your own mind and beliefs. And just like how your image is flipped when looking in a mirror… It’s NOT the world’s permission that we really need. It’s our own!
All a confident person really is… is someone who gives themselves permission to live their life their way. In what ways would your life change if you stopped waiting or asking for permission? How much happier could you be if you finally gave yourself permission to live life full out?
Stop Asking and Give Yourself Permission….
Give Yourself Permission to change your mind about what is
Give Yourself Permission to accept yourself exactly as you are
Give Yourself Permission to live your life your way
Give Yourself Permission to start over from scratch if you need to
Give Yourself Permission to make as many mistakes as it takes to succeed
Give Yourself Permission to go after your dreams aggressively
Give Yourself Permission to make, save, and invest a kajillion bucks
Give Yourself Permission to be a mo’ fuggin’ rock star
Give Yourself Permission to enjoy lots of sex (it feels good)
Give Yourself Permission to live life at max capacity
Give Yourself Permission to walk the path least followed
Give Yourself Permission to become ever better with time
Give Yourself Permission to say what’s really on your mind
Give Yourself Permission to travel and explore new places and cultures
Give Yourself Permission to do something dangerous (think it through first)
Give Yourself Permission to expect the unexpected and unexpect the expected
Give Yourself Permission to be weird – we all know you are anyway
Give Yourself Permission to make new and interesting friends
Give Yourself Permission to approach women that you find attractive
Give Yourself Permission to be tolerant towards others and keep an open mind
Give Yourself Permission to fight for something you truly believe in
Give Yourself Permission to make a difference in this world
Give Yourself Permission to do something nice just for yourself
Give Yourself Permission to kick fear and self-doubt in their stanky face
Give Yourself Permission to do something wild, fun and crazy
Give Yourself Permission to be successful in all that you do
Give Yourself Permission to build muscle, burn fat and transform your body
Give Yourself Permission to believe that you CAN do it
Give Yourself Permission to enjoy a healthy and nutritious diet 90% of the time
Give Yourself Permission to indulge occasionally with the other 10%
Give Yourself Permission to love and inspire a child
Give Yourself Permission to do what’s best for you at this time
Give Yourself Permission to be happy for no external reason whatsoever
Give Yourself Permission to screw everything up once in while
Give Yourself Permission to simplify your life
Give Yourself Permission to focus on that which truly matters
Give Yourself Permission to read a new book or magazine (you might learn something)
Give Yourself Permission to forgive those who have wronged you
Give Yourself Permission to forgive yourself while you’re at it
Give Yourself Permission to leave the past behind you once and for all
Give Yourself Permission to rise above anything trying to hold you down
Give Yourself Permission to look her deeply in the eyes and smile
Give Yourself Permission to wave to someone you don’t even know
Give Yourself Permission to grow and expand your comfort zone
Give Yourself Permission to love someone deeply yet let them go if you must
Give Yourself Permission to seek out new and interesting places to hang out
Give Yourself Permission to write that book, sing that song or start that business
Give Yourself Permission to become the person you’ve always wanted to be
Give Yourself Permission to continually improve and refine your personality
Give Yourself Permission to do what needs to be done when it needs to be done
Give Yourself Permission to unleash the power of your ultimate potential
What did I miss? If you can think of anything I left out be sure to tell me in the comment section below. Well, what are you waiting for…. permission or something!? 😛

Not that you need it….
Unleash Your Ultimate Potential,
His reflections are inspiring!
My name is Rian, I am Brazilian!
Keep writing my friend! Towards the awakening
Fraternal hugs!
Hey Rian from Brazil! That’s awesome… glad you enjoyed the post and thanks for your comment. 🙂
I loved your posts..Very Inspiring.
I have few more 🙂
Give yourself Permission to give a helping hand to needy.
Give yourself Permission to stand for Human Rights
Give yourself Permission to respect Women.
Give yourself Permission to stand against corruption.
Give yourself Permission to always do some Charity.
Great additions that I fully support! Rock on 😉
Hope, No! Believe that this is the start of a brand new journey towards finding me.
Right on, JC!