Warrior Walks With a 40lb Weighted Vest
“Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far.” – Thomas Jefferson

Going for a trail hike with a 40lb Weighted Vest
If walking is so good for us and one of the best possible exercises for a bipedal being, than maybe we should all do more of it!
Regular walking or hiking is a good place to start, yet how can we take it to the next level and WARRIOR IT UP?
Warrior Walks with a Weighted Vest!
“Load a backpack or weighted vest with 10-100lbs and walk fool!”
This amazing strength & conditioning exercise is basically like going on a Military Forced March or “Ruck Walk“.
It is designed to build:
• Strength
• Conditioning
• Endurance
• Loading Capacity &
• Mental Toughness
Simply grab your backpack, rucksack, or weighted vest and go for a 1-3 mile power walk or trail hike.
Start light (10lbs or so) and progressively work your way up to heavier loads and longer distances.
Make sure to brace your core, walk with excellent posture and neutral spinal alignment.
Be extra careful with your step, foot placement and knee tracking over your toes.
As an additional benefit, you can practice emptying your mind as you walk, becoming present and taking in the nature all around you.
A Warrior must train his mind to ignore pain and discomfort, yet remain alert and aware to everything that is unfolding in the present moment.
He or she must be ready to ACT not react!
Being fully present in the moment is about achieving the state of Mushin or “no mind”.
The term is shortened from mushin no shin (無心の心), a Zen expression meaning the mind without mind and is also referred to as the state of “no-mindness”.
That is, a mind not fixed or occupied by thought or emotion and thus open to everything.
Now get out there and start Warrior Walking!
Unleash Your Ultimate Potential,
Brandon Cook
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