Shadow Stick Fighting For Cardio & Conditioning
“He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.” – Confucius

Throwing Kicks with my Sticks! Get some
My motto for Awakened Warriors Training is ‘Train like a Warrior to Look like a Warrior’.
So this is what we must do! 🤘😃
That’s why I alternate my training days between ‘Awakened Warriors Training’ (AWT), which is my secret protocol of strength training methods I’ve been refining over the years…
And my ‘Mindful Martial Arts’ (MMA) days, which utilize a blend of fighting styles or mixed martial arts as both self-defense, conditioning, and cardiovascular exercise.
Put simply, I’m alternating between days of Strength (AWT) & Conditioning (MMA) training. It’s hard, yet FUN work! 🤗
To build your Warrior Physique in 99 Days you must overcome the desire to get something for nothing.
Unfortunately, this is the fallacy and delusion that many of us suffer from today.
👎We want to be wealthy, but do nothing to add value to others.
👎We expect to be treated with respect, yet treat others horribly.
👎We want to be admired and loved, but contempt and hatred spews from our hearts.
You Must Conquer Your Self (Ego)
There are many lazy people out there that want to look like a warrior, but secretly hope to find a magic pill or supplement that will miraculously transform their body to resemble that of Achilles or Hercules. 🏋️♂️
In fact, many athletes, martial artists, bodybuilders, and even actors turn to steroids and performance enhancing drugs (way more than you may even realize)!
So few are willing to put in the hard work, discipline, and commitment it takes to achieve worthwhile goals. I’m guilty of this lazy behavior as well! 😬 …yet obviously never did PED’s.
Yet, the True Awakened Warrior is willing to admit his own fears, weaknesses, and short comings.
He or she is willing to take a hard look at themselves and strive for self-improvement!
It’s perfectly okay to fail or fall short in a worthwhile endeavor… but we must not stay down. We must get up and try again, and again, and again. Until we succeed.
This is the difference between the champion and the average man or woman. They are willing to conquer themselves. 💯
You are not in competition with anyone else!
You are not in competition with anyone else, but yourself! Remember this always:
👍Forget competing with others and put all of your focus and attention on improving yourself.
👍Be better than who you were yesterday. Compete only with yourself.
👍Strive to become your highest, ideal version of yourself.
If you do so, you will rise above your failures and limitations to achieve greatness – one day at a time.
As Confucius states, it is he who conquers himself that becomes the mightiest of warriors!
Unleash Your Ultimate Potential,
Brandon Cook
• Founder of Awakened Warriors Training
•Mindful Martial Artist (MMA)
•Corrective Exercise Specialist, CES
•Certified Nutritionist, Pn1
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Love it brother. True warrior spirit. I’m looking forward to many a practice session
Thanks Jesse! Yeah, man.. Let’s do this 😉